Bosques Naturales SA has participated in the AFINET meeting celebrated in Galicia (NW Spain) in September 2017

AFINET (AgroForestry Innovation NETworks) is a thematic network, which integrates a consortium of 13 partners from 9 European countries (Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, France, Italy, Hungary and Belgium), aimed to foster the exchange and the knowledge transfer between scientists and practitioners in agroforestry. AFINET will act at EU level in order to take up research results into practice and to promote innovative ideas to face challenges and resolve problems of practitioners, enhancing knowledge transfer between farmers, foresters, researchers, advisers and government services. (
Within this project, Bosques Naturales SA shared their experiences about management of agroforestry systems, about intercropping of maize between the walnut (Juglans x intermedia) plantation lines and the silvopastoral system, consisting on sheep grazing used as weed control in their planted forests.
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